Monnem-Bike est. 2017 - alles
zum Radjubiläum 2017
Danke Karl Drais - eine
neue Seite aus Karlsruhe
Karl-Drais-Memoriale - die umfangreichste Quelle
Badische Heimat: Laufmaschine als Kunstwerke des Monats (August 2000)
Karlsruhe (umfangreiche Internet-Sammlung)
Histories: Brimstone and bicycles
by Mick Hamer in NewScientist,
29 January 2005
ON 5 April 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia began to grumble. A week later the volcano blew its top in a spectacular eruption that went on until July. It was the biggest eruption in recorded history, killing around 92,000 people and ejecting so much ash into the atmosphere that average global temperatures dipped by 3 °C. In the northern hemisphere 1816 became known as the year without a summer. New England had blizzards in July and crops failed. Europe was hit just as badly.
On holiday by Lake Geneva the 18-year-old Mary Shelley and her husband Percy were trapped in Lord Byron's house by constant rain. To divert his guests Byron suggested a competition to write a ghost story. The result was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Across the border in the German state of Baden the soaring price of oats prompted the 32-year-old Karl Drais to invent a replacement for the horse - the first bicycle.
ON THURSDAY 12 June 1817, Karl Drais set out to demonstrate
new velocipede, the direct ancestor of the modern bicycle. He left his
house in the centre of Mannheim and headed out along Baden's best road
towards Schwetzingen. After 7.5 kilometres, he turned and headed home.
The round trip took little more than an hour. more...
Karl Drais im
Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit Mannheim
Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim
Nationaal Fietsmuseum Velorama, Nijmegen (Niederlande)
Sonderausstellung vom 23. August - 1. November 2015: "Als der
Mensch Räder bekam"
im Motorrad- und
Technikmuseum Leininger Land e.V., Kleine Wust 11, 67280 Quirnheim
geöffnet Samstag: 14 - 17 Uhr, Sonn- und Feiertag: 11 - 17 Uhr
Info: oder Tel. 01575 0723520
Geschichte des Fahrrades
Verkehrswerkstatt Berlin - Geschichte des Fahrrades
Fernsehen - die Entstehung des Fahrrades
Wikipedia, die freien Enzyklopädie - Kurzporträt
Lexikon Geschichte Baden+Württemberg, philatelistisch unterstützt - Kurzporträt
StaatsBibliothek - Suchmaske
Vereine und Initiativen
RSG Karlsruhe
e.V. (mit historischer Gruppe)
Radfahrverein Weinböhla e.V. (mit historischer
Freiherr von Drais-Radweg, Kirchberg (Hunsrück)
Karl Wilhelm Freiherr von Drais, Vater von Karl Drais: Vorschläge zu mehr Öffentlichkeit der Justiz, 1822