the special internet-page
provided by ADFC Mannheim.
There is no doubt, that the invention of the two-wheeled velocipede was the start of effective sustainable development in individual transport. In the early days, the social and economic benefits were the most important. Nowadays the ecological benefits of human powered vehicles is increasingly important – worldwide.
prejudices against cyclists today have their
parallel, if not even their roots, in the past. We are confident, the
rehabilitation of Karl Drais and an appreciation
of his invention is not only required
to be aware of history, but also would also support
sustainable development of urban traffic.
We do not want to claim that this internet page is complete. Please let us know how to improve it, if you feel either something is missing or have identified a mistake by sending a mail to: info "bei" ( "bei" = @ to avoid spam mail)
If you are the webmaster of a web site, we would be proud and very pleased, if you would set up a link to this site. Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Mail: ADFC Mannheim
Keyword "Karl Drais"
P.O.-Box 120 152
D-68052 Mannheim
Disclaimer: the information
present in this internet presence displays our knowledge at the time of
publication and may be out of date today. Possible mistakes or
information do not justify any claim for compensation.
ADFC = Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club = German Cycling Federation. These pages are a service provided by the ADFC section Mannheim.
Legal remark (in German language only)
© 2006 ADFC
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club, Kreisverband Mannheim